Thursday, November 20 2014

  • Council Names Third Street after Anti-gay Philanthropist

    Love him or hate him, you can’t deny Carl Linder’s impact on Cincinnati. Cincinnati City Council unanimously voted to name 3rd Street “Carl H. Linder Way” after the financier who died in 2011. Linder donated millions to the city’s charities, but also gave a ton of money to a group that passed one of the country’s harshest anti-gay ordinances, Article XII, that restricted laws protecting LGBT residents.

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  • Tracie Hunter Denied Retrial

    A judge denied Tracie Hunter’s request for a new trial despite three jurors recanting their guilty verdicts. Hunter was convicted of having an unlawful interest in a public contract involving her brother who was fired for punching a teen inmate in the face. Hunter’s sentencing date has yet to be scheduled.

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  • Say Goodbye to Red Light Traffic Cameras

    You can thank Republic Bill Seitz for easing your anxiety when speeding through red lights. Seitz has been on a crusade since 2006 to eliminate red light and speed cameras in Ohio. A recent bill requires a police officer to man every camera in order to issue a ticket, effectively banning the cameras. The bill passed the Ohio Senate 24-9 and moves onto the House.

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  • Parents Wait in Bitter Cold to Enroll Kids in School

    Do you love your kids enough to wait in the bitter cold for 24 hours so they could go to the school of your choice? More than 100 parents camped out to enroll their children in the Fairview-Clifton German Language School — including one parent who spent 16 days at the head of the line — do. Superintendent Mary Ronan admits the process isn’t perfect, but maintains that a lottery mixed with a first-come-first-serve policy is the best option for children to access magnet schools.

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  • Cafe Coming to Contemporary Arts Center

    The Contemporary Arts Center will receive a major upgrade of its lobby this winter. The $1.1 million renovation will start Jan. 6 and when completed will add a museum cafe and a reimagining of the gift shop.

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